Put An Egg On it...

With all the cooking that is going on at home given the Stay At Home, Stay Safe life we are leading now I am sure that there are a lot of leftovers in your fridge. So rather than post a recipe this week, I will tell you about my favorite technique for turning leftovers into another meal:

Put An Egg On It

Seriously. Putting a fried egg on some warmed up leftovers is a revelation in simplicity and gooey goodness. The yolk creates a creamy sauce, and the whites add protein and a new texture to the leftovers. And it works with so many dishes:

Got some left over pasta? Put an egg on it.

Got some leftover rice? Put an egg on it.

How about some beans? We are all cooking more beans now. Put an egg on that.

Potatoes? You got it…Put an egg on it.

You get the picture. The possibilities are endless. Combinations are grand (leftover beans and rice, for example). Through some greens in there. Add some cheese if you want. Hot sauce was made for this.

I hope this helps clean out that fridge and gives you an easy option for your next meal.