Thank you for wearing a mask.

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I know…I hate wearing my mask. My glasses fog up. It can get kind of sweaty. It is hard to talk and make myself understood. And the loops hurt my ears after a bit.

But I wear a mask nonetheless. I have been vaccinated - and yet, I still wear my mask. Because I care about YOU. Wearing my mask keeps me from inadvertently spreading the virus to you, and so I do this gladly.

Wearing a mask is important in helping control the spread of the COVID virus. It is no joke. This shit can kill you. I know firsthand - my mother died from COVID and my uncle died from COVID.

This has been going on for a year now. I get it. We are all tired of it. But with the promise of getting all of us vaccinated in the next few months I think the end may be in sight. But now is not the time to fall off the wagon. We need to run through the finish line.

I want to commend the folks in Black Mountain for being (mostly) diligent about wearing masks. It is rare that we need to remind someone to put a mask on. Good job, Y’all. If you were not as agreeable about this then we probably could not open the doors.

So…I want to say thank you for wearing a mask when you come visit us at the store. Your kindness and consideration is noted, and appreciated. Keep it up. The end is in sight - but we are not there yet.

All Y’all stay safe.